Table of contents
1. Expanding Dimensions
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal, Ethical, Cultural (Health, Education, Employment)
Eg. Causes of poverty - think from above dimensions. You'll be able to generate a lot of points
2. Give arguments from the perspective of
- Women
- Weaker sections
- Children
- Disabled
- Old aged
- LGBTQ etc.
This appraoch will help you generate unique points. Eg. If you are writing an essay on Education and you add a perspective about eduction of LGBTQ community - your essay will be certainly one of very few candidates exploring this dimension!
3. Macro to micro
Global - National - regional - Local - individual
4. Temporal variation
Past - Present - Future
Analyse the changes in issues/situations etc. from time to time
5. Give issues at
Home, Public spaces, Workplace, etc.
6. Womb to tomb approach - Craddle to Grave -
Issues faced from birth to death.
Eg. Issues faced by women - as fetus, child, teenager, young adult, adult, old aged etc.
Thousands of aspirants face issue in Essay writing, here is a solution -
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