UPSC Prelims 2024 Answer Key answer keys for UPSC Prelims 2024

When the official answer keys from UPSC came out a few weeks ago, CSAT answer key had the smallest variation from the official answer key as compared to most other institutes . So if you're on the border in CSAT, we would highly recommend that you re-check once with the keys shared below.

Here are the answer keys.

UPSC Prelims 2024 Answer Key -
GS SET B SET B Q,Topic,SET B Key,Subject,Type 1,Fertility rate,D,Economy,Direct 2,NBFC - G secs,C,Economy,Normal options 3,Corporate bonds - G Secs ,D,Economy,Normal options 4,Motor vehicles,D,Economy,Normal options 5,Primary secondary tertiary sectors,B,Economy,Fancy options 6,Aviation Fuel,C,…

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