- Moral attitude is an important aspect of character which is strengthened by comprehending immutable bonds with others and realizing our own potential to think beyond ourselves. Explain. (10 marks)
- With the digital revolution and cheap data availability, there is an increase in the use of electronic means of education. This got a shot in the arm with the pandemic and a lot of work has shifted online. In this context, analyse whether digital education can inculcate values and ethics in students like it did by traditional methods. (10 marks)
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Model Solutions
Q1. Moral attitude is an important aspect of character which is strengthened by comprehending immutable bonds with others and realizing our own potential to think beyond ourselves. Explain. (10 marks)
Model Structure
- Attitude is a predisposition to think and act in a particular way, and moral attitude involves those attitudes emanating from moral conviction. It involves the way someone feels, behaves or has a disposition with respect to morality of actions.
Main Body
- Showing compassion for migrants by giving them food and other necessities during lockdown shows a positive moral attitude. This is natural because humans are social animals and interdependence is a sine qua non for sustenance of nature. The idea that moral attitude is strengthened by bonding with others can be further explained by-
- Humans have to follow norms for maintaining critical balance in society. The resources of nature like water, air etc need to be conserved and everyone has to actively participate in it. This creates dependency and saving of resources creates an ethical value.
- Now even if someone is affluent and can easily afford water, electricity and other essential supplies without hindrance. This doesn’t mean that the person can also waste those resources at will, as it will surely create scarcity in future thus affecting the delicate balance.
- In essence, these norms are created by society and then followed by society. And if they are not maintained, then overall societal welfare is affected.
- Ethics is a selfless concept because it ensures societal norms are followed. In case of failure, selfishness overrides ethics which is seen in case of fake news, yellow journalism and propaganda which aims at TRP rather than upholding its role as fourth pillar of democracy.
- We can actualize oneness of unity only by socialization and value education. This results in a communitarian way of life and altruism as it helps understand what is right and wrong.
Q2. With the digital revolution and cheap data availability, there is an increase in the use of electronic means of education. This got a shot in the arm with the pandemic and a lot of work has shifted online. In this context, analyse whether digital education can inculcate values and ethics in students like it did by traditional methods. (10 marks)
Model Structure
- Knowledge without character is one of the Gandhian sins and it shows how much importance ethics and values hold in education. Education is important as it helps impart ethical and moral skills and helps lead a meaningful life.
Main Body
- The past decade generally, and the pandemic specifically, has pushed education to online platforms. From school education to colleges and competitive courses, a lot of things have moved online. This has led to few challenges in inculcating values like-
- Class-room based education is a platform for students to learn moral skills based on interaction with classmates having diverse opinions.
- Sports helps cultivate team-spirit, discipline and leadership values.
- Cyberspace brings anonymity and many videos have surfaced in which the teachers are bullied by students. Anonymity makes students escape without punishment.
- Digital education opens even primary class students towards pornography, games addiction, fake news etc. which affects cognitive development in longer run.
- Interpersonal communication and stage confidence are built by classroom education which are must to build confidence.
- Digital divide is the biggest hindrance to digital education and many developing countries lag behind in this regard.
- But due to inherent benefits like accessibility, 24X7 availability and cost effectiveness, digital education can’t be ignored altogether. Steps must be taken to inculcate values even in the digital domain by -
- Seminars and webinars can be arranged where important personalities can inspire students and highlight the importance of moral education.
- Online mentoring is gathering pace where the teacher has a one-to-one discussion with the students.
- Values are inculcated by schools, family and society and all three must be involved in this rather than putting all the onus on schools only.
- Cyberspace has benefits but for children it comes with a lot of issues as mentioned above. It becomes more problematic because children don’t know the laws and rights and thus are prone to misuse. Thus more focus must be given to their safety which will also ensure that their moral well being is also guaranteed.
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