- Write a short note on Sociology and its relationship with Economics and Political Science. 20
- Clarify the correlation between Common Sense and Sociology. 10
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Model Solutions
2. Clarify the correlation between Common Sense and Sociology. 10
Model Structure
- Definition of Sociology
- Sociology - the mother of all social science
Main Body
1. Sociology and Economics
- Define Economics
- Divergence between the two -
- Scope of Study (society vs. utilization of resources)
- Types of Research methods
- Focus of the subject
- Sociology have emerged relatively recently
- Convergence between the two -
- Marx - MoP, Economic Base structure
- Weber - Spirit of Protestant ethic and Rise of capitalism
- Durkheim - Division of Labour
- Origin of caste can be analysed by studying economic DoL in Jajmani system
- Current Examples -
- Budgetary allocation for social development
- Amartya Sen's capability approach
2. Sociology and Political Science-
- Define of Political Science
- Divergence between the two -
- Scope of Study - (Society vs State)
- Types of Research methods
- Subject matter (codified, related to power in Pol Science; Open-ended, stresses interrelation of social institutions in Sociology)
- Focus of the subject - (Social actions vs Power)
- Sociology have emerged relatively recently
- Convergence between the two -
- Sociological investigation for policy forming
- Max Weber developed sociological theory of authority and power in his study on Bureaucracy
- Sociological analysis of voting pattern, Identity politics
- Morris Ginsberg- Historically sociology has its roots in politics and Philosophy of History.
- Sociological concepts such as religion, caste, ethnicity, etc used for political mobilisation. Eg. Maratha agitations in Maharashtra
- C.W. Mills, Immanuel Wallerstein
- Indian Context - M.N.Srinivas Dominant caste, Rajni Kothari
- Current Examples -
- Study of caste identity in politics (AJGAR, Muslim-Yadav Vote banks, etc)
- Issue of tribal autonomy
- Scope of the disciplines evolve with time and mutually reinforcing each other, to flourish together
2. Clarify the correlation between Common Sense and Sociology. 10
Model Structure
- Define Common sense and Sociology
Main Body
Compare and contrast the both
- Sociology- Not Common Sense (common sense vs sociology)
- Nature of findings: Cues from surface Vs Looking out for interconnectedness
- Nature of Observations: Assumptions, individualistic, culturally determined Vs Organized skepticism, tested thoughts.
- Orientation: Status-quoist, unreflective Vs Change oriented and reflective
- Positivist argues that common sense and sociology is different
- Sociology- Common Sense (Similarities between them -Moore & Reid)
- Concepts in sociology been framed by taking common sense knowledge into consideration
- Common sense helps in building sociological hypotheses.
- It also provides raw material for sociological investigation
- Non-positivists (phenomenology, ethnomethodology) consider common sense as a part of sociology.
- At first, it was rejected by positivists like Durkheim; Some see it as complementary;
- Post-modernist see sociological knowledge as no superior to common sense.
- Thus, the relation between sociology and common sense is dynamic and even mutually reinforcing at times.
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