Sociology Daily Answer Writing (27-07-2022)


Model Solutions

1. Discuss Questionnaire as a technique of data collection. What are the characteristics of a good questionnaire? 20

2. Explain the Probability Sampling strategies with examples. 10

Model Structure 1.


● Define Questionnaire: Questionnaire is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study. It is used primarily as a quantitative data collection tool.

Main Body

● Characteristics of a good questionnaire:

○ Unambiguous

○ It should not have doubtful questions

○ It should be appealing to the target audience

○ It should be brief

○ Aesthetically appealing

○ Mode of administration conducive to the target audience (soft/hard copy)

○ Coherent placement of questions

○ It should be intriguing

○ There shouldn’t be repetition

● Use of questionnaire in sociological research- explain with examples

○ Goldthorpe and Lockwood affluent worker study

● Advantages

○ Cheapest, fastest and relatively easiest method of quantitative data collection

○ High validity and reliability in close ended questionnaire

○ Flexibility in data collection

○ Highly objective

○ Limited need of experts

○ Scope for generalisation of data.

● Limitations of using questionnaire for data collection

○ Leading questions can influence the response of participant

○ Social desirability bias

○ Non-response bias

○ Poor return of postal questionnaire

○ Researchers bias → sequence and questions are decided by him/her based on own values Note: Advantages and Limitations can be eliminated or explained briefly in 10 marker question, but they must be explained in 20 marker question.


● Hybrid of quantitative methods like questionnaire and quantitative method must be used for sociological research.

○ Triangulation Method given by Norman K Denizen

○ Socio logic by Micheal Mann

Model Structure 2.


● Definition of Sampling

● Definition of Probability Sampling

Main Body

● Types of Probability Sampling with slight explanation - simple random, stratified random, random cluster and systematic sampling (You can use figures for explaining these types)

● Examples - Use probability sampling to collect data, even if you collect it from a smaller population.

● Benefits - cost effective, simple and straightforward.

● Limitations - reliability of sample, problem of Quantification.

Steps to conduct probability sampling

  1. Choose your population of interest carefully and then include them in the sample.
  2. Determine a suitable sample frame
  3. Select your sample and start your survey


● Despite limitations, it provides cost effective and simple investigation of social issues.

Sociology Notes
Detailed notes for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of Sociology Optional
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