1. Consider the following statements with reference to Amir Khusrau:
- He played a significant role in the development of the arts and culture in the Indian subcontinent.
- He introduced Persian, Arabic and Turkish elements into Indian classical music.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
Exp: Both the statements are correct: Amir Khusro was a Sufi musician, poet and scholar regarded as the “Father of Qawwali”. An expert in many styles of Persian poetry, he has written in many verse forms including ghazal, masnavi, qata, rubai, do-baiti and tarkib-band. He played a significant role in the development of the arts and culture in the Indian subcontinent and is considered an iconic figure in the cultural history of the region. Credited to have introduced the ghazal style of song into India, he was also the one who introduced Persian, Arabic and Turkish elements into Indian classical music.
2. Consider the following statements in respect of High-Temperature Proton: Exchange Membrane (HTPEM) Technology.
- It takes methanol or bio-methane as the input and produces heat and water as its bi-products, which can be further used.
- Fuel cells developed under this technology can’t be used to fulfill distributed stationary power applications demands like in small offices.
- This technology is the core of the fuel cells that run above 150 °C.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 3 only
b) 3 only
c) 1 and 2 only
d) 2 and 3 only
Ans: a
Exp: India’s first indigenously developed high-temperature-based Fuel Cell System is based on High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane (HTPEM) technology. It is a 5.0 kW fuel cell system that generates power in a green manner. It takes methanol or bio-methane as the input and produces heat and water as its bi-products, which can be further used. So statement 1 is correct.
In the field of clean energy, Fuel Cell distributed power generation systems are emerging as a promising alternative to grid power. The Fuel Cells fit well in India’s mission of replacing diesel with green and alternate fuels. Fuel cells developed under HTPEM technology are suitable for distributed stationary power applications like small offices and commercial units. So statement 2 is Incorrect.
HTPEM works on two modes of operation with respect to the source of fuel. One mode is based on the conversion of natural gas into Hydrogen by means of steam reforming and the second mode is based on the operation of Hydrogen with Oxygen obtained by the process of electrolysis. This technology is the core of the fuel cells that run above 150 °C. So statement 3 is correct.
3. With reference to Manda buffalo consider the following statements:
- They are naturally found in the Aravalli hills of Rajasthan.
- They are resistant to parasitic infections, and are less prone to diseases.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: b
Exp: The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) has recognised the Manda buffalo as the 19th unique breed of buffaloes found in India. It is found in the Eastern Ghats and plateau of Koraput region of Odisha.
4. Consider the following statements with reference to Pyrostria laljii, recently seen in the news:
- New species which belongs to the genus of coffee family, has recently been discovered in Andaman.
- It has been assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List criteria.
Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 2 both
d) None of the above
Ans: b
Exp: Statement 2 is not correct: Pyrostria laljii has been assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’ based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List criteria.
Statement 1 is correct:- A 15-meter-tall tree that belongs to the genus of the coffee family has recently been discovered from the Andaman Islands by a team of researchers from India and the Philippines.
5. Consider the following statements:
- A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions.
- Carbon footprint of a country never reaches zero even when it attains the net-zero carbon emissions target.
Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: d
Exp: Both the statements are correct here. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions.
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6. Two statements are given followed by 4 conclusions. Read all Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the Statement, disregarding the commonly known facts
Statement :
- Some tables are TVs.
- Some TVs are radios.
Conclusion :
- Some tables are radios.
- Some radios are tables.
- All radios are TVs.
- All TVs are tables.
Which of the following is correct?
a) Only conclusion I & II follow.
b) Only conclusion II & III follow.
c) Both conclusion I and IV follow.
d) None of the above
Ans: d

Some tables are radios. –– No relation can be found between Table and Radio.
Some radios are tables. –– No relation can be found between Table and Radio.
All radios are TVs. –– Not true.
All TVs are tables. –– Not true.
So None of the above conclusion follows.
7. The number of mangoes in three baskets are in the ratio of 3:4:5. In which ratio the number of mangoes in first two baskets must be increased so that the new ratio becomes 5:4:3?
a) 1:2
b) 2:1
c) 1:3
d) 3:1
Ans: b
Exp: The number of mangoes in the third basket are unchanged.
The number of mangoes is multiple of both 3 and 5. So, we have to take LCM of 3 and 5 i.e. 15.
If we assume the number of mangoes in the third basket as 15, the old ratio will be 9:12:15.
New ratio will be 25:20:15.
Thus, the mangoes to be increased in first and second basket respectively will be 16 and 8. So, the required ratio is 16:8 i.e. 2:1.
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