Daily Answer Writing: Sociology (Day 8)

Daily Answer Writing: Sociology (Day 8)

UPSC Mains Answer Writing


  1. Examine the statement, “Bureaucracy is a rational action in an institutional form”. (10 Marks)
  2. Explain Durkheim's basic arguments on suicide. Analyse the high suicide rates of contemporary Indian society with Durkheim's theory. (20 Marks)

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Q1. Examine the statement, “Bureaucracy is a rational action in an institutional form”.  (10 Marks)


  • Define bureaucracy and legal rational action

Main Body

  • Bureaucracy is the medium through which rational-legal authority is carried out
  • Weber studied it and made an IDEAL TYPE for Bureaucracy based on legal-rational authority.
  • Inevitable in modern society -- as it’s the only mechanism to cope up with large-scale admin requirements
  • Explain rational action
  • Critical Analysis
    • Specialist without spirits
    • Iron cage of rationality
    • Rule ritualism and loss of individual creativity. It leads to red-tapism (Merton)
    • Official dictatorship kind (Master and Mistress of their own will)
    • Nexus and influence of others over bureaucracy
  • Roberto Michels - Calls bureaucratic sys in democracy as iron law of oligarchy - as they usurp all power
  • Merton - over emphasis on rules led to goal displacement


  • Yet, Bureaucracy is transforming itself according to change in the social system. It could adapt to social and admin changes. Examples-
    • Digitalization - less hierarchical
    • In India, lateral entry adoption in top-level bureaucracy

Q2. Explain Durkheim's basic arguments on suicide. Analyse the high suicide rates of contemporary Indian society with Durkheim's theory. (20 Marks)


  • Definition of Suicide as given by Durkheim-
  • All cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself he knows will produce the result. OR
  • Suicide: A Study in Sociology is an 1897 book written by French sociologist Émile Durkheim. It was the first methodological study of SUICIDE, a social fact in the context of society.

Main Body

  • Refutation of earlier existing Psychological and Biological aspects of suicide.
    • Earlier studies - value loaded, lacks objectivity
    • Durkheim applied Comparative analysis method and dwelled on Objective analysis of the social fact - SUICIDE
  • Durkheim concluded that suicide rates are higher:
    • in men than women
    • for those who are single
    • for people without children than people with children.
    • among Protestants than Catholics and Jews.
    • among soldiers than civilians.
    • in times of peace than in times of war.
    • the higher the education level, the more likely it was that an individual would choose suicide.
  • Four types of suicide - which are based on the degrees of imbalance of two social forces: social integration and moral regulation.
  • High suicide rates as per Durkhiem's conception in contemporary Indian society (can write in COHERENCE WITH ABOVE DIAGRAM ) -
    • Egoistic suicide - Upsc students, Kota Coaching students
    • Altruistic suicide - Armed forces, Chipko Movement, Protestors
    • Anomic suicide - Farm waiver loans, Rape Victims
    • Fatalistic suicide - Constables in CRPFs, IPS officers suicide
  • What can be done to reduce suicide rates in India
      • Student counselling, HR dept to increase integration → thus reducing Optimal regulation and integration-suicides.


  • Durkheim's theory caused a revolution in the field of understanding the basic causes of Suicide in contemporary Indian society.

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