Daily Answer Writing: Sociology (Day 15)

Daily Answer Writing: Sociology (Day 15)

UPSC Mains Answer Writing


  1. Explain the research of the Human Relations School on the social organisation of the work. (10 Marks)
  2. Write a short note on the Formalisation and Informalisation of the labour force. (10 Marks)

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Q1. Explain the research of the Human Relations School on the social organisation of the work. (10 Marks)


  • Research by Elton Mayo at the General Electric Company in Chicago which was named by him as a Hawthorne experiment concluded that group relationship and management worker communication is far more important in determining behaviour than physical condition.

Main body

  • Employee behaviour depends primarily on the social and organisational circumstances of work. Leadership style, group cohesion and job satisfaction are major determinants.
  • Employees work better if they are given tasks
  • Standards set internally by working groups influence more than management
  • Individual workers cannot be treated in isolation but to be seen as members of a group.
  • Monetary incentives and good working conditions are less important than belonging to a group.
  • Managers must be aware of the social needs of the employees and thus employees will collaborate with the official organisation rather than work against it.
  • Criticism
    • The study lacks a scientific base.
    • The sample size was very small.
    • Employees were under observation might impact their behaviour.


  • Human relations school approach and four sizes more on social conditions inside as well as outside the organisation
  • Thus to establish emotional bonds with employees, today organisations arrange cultural festivals on lines of human relation schools suggestions.

Q2. Write a short note on the Formalisation and Informalisation of the labour force. (10 Marks)


  • Define the characteristics of the Informal Labour force - low skills, low paid employment, easy entry, immigrant labour etc.
  • However evidence of such progress is not seen, moreover the informal labour force itself is getting characterised into formal one.

Main Body

  • Informal sector works in closed-circuit with formal - dependence of the latter one on the former.
  • Organised sector itself is getting informalised through contractualization, actualization and outsourcing of labour. There are workers who are equally or more educated and skilled, work better and even longer in so many of the organised sectors, for example electricians, AC servicemen, cleaners, though they work in the formal sector they do not get any social benefits as formal employees.
  • Role of globalisation and reorganization of production change led to a situation where production systems are becoming increasingly non-standard and flexible, which is engaged in temporary and part time employment. For example - recent labour reports show that there is increasing working from home at higher levels of professional suffering from and seasonality of work and lack of social security benefits as the work on short term contracts.
  • These flexible workers in new informal economy are vulnerable in terms of job security and social protections.
  • They fail to derive any of the social protection measures calculated in the existing labour legislation.
  • Formalisation of informal sector.
  • New Labour Codes giving basic rights and social security to labourers in the informal sector.
  • Companies like Zomato extending the formal benefits to gig workers.


  • Therefore the informal labour force is not only working in the informal sector but under the very ages of the formal sector also.
  • Gig economy.

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