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Daily Answer Writing GS 3 (Probity in Governance)

Daily Answer Writing GS 3 (Probity in Governance)

Probity in Governance UPSC Mains Answer Writing

Subject: GS 4

Syllabus: Probity in Governance


  1. Probity in governance is an essential and vital requirement for an efficient and effective system of governance and for socio-economic development. Discuss. Also, state ways to enhance probity in governance. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
  2. What is red-tapism? Why is it considered a hurdle in the process of transitioning towards citizen centric governance? (150 words, 10 Marks) 

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Q1. Probity in governance is an essential and vital requirement for an efficient and effective system of governance and for socio-economic development. Discuss. Also, state ways to enhance probity in governance. (150 words)


  • Probity is the quality of having strong moral principles and strictly following them. It includes principles such as - honesty, integrity, uprightness, transparency and incorruptibility. Probity is confirmed integrity. It is usually regarded as being incorruptible.

Main body:

  • Probity: Essential requirement for an effective and efficient governance
    • Build up the legitimacy of the system, i.e., the state. 
      • It builds trust in the institutions of the state and a belief that the actions of the state will be for the welfare of the beneficiaries. 
    • Avoidance of sub-optimal outcomes, corruption and poor perception as it ensures an objective and independent view on the fairness of the process 
    • Checking the abuse and misuse of power by various organs of government such as magistracy, police and all other providers of public service e.g. PWD, health, education, etc.
  • Probity: Essential requirement for socio-economic development 
    • A large number of people are either unaware about their rights and entitlements or do not have means to fight for them.
      • In the absence of probity, this section would remain deprived. 
    • Because of scarcity of resources, it is essential that their best allocation and optimal utilization takes place. 
    • It prevents corruption that leads to diversion of funds towards unauthorized sources affecting socio-economic development. 
  • Ways to enhance probity in governance 
    • Controlling Misfeasance in public office: A comprehensive law to make the public servants liable for the losses made to the State by their mala fide actions or omissions of a palpable character. 
    • Forfeiture of properties: strictly implement legislation for confiscation of illegally acquired assets of public servants. 
    • Ethics Act: Civil Services Conduct Rules should be given statutory status in the form of Ethics Act to ensure its better implementation. 
    • Strengthening criminal judicial system: needs to be strengthened so that quality judgment takes place without unnecessary delays.


  • Probity helps in ushering good governance which not only leads to effective use of public resources but will also lead to higher socio-economic growth and human development. 
  • It is necessary to take initiatives, enact strong legislations and ensure their effective implementation to inculcate a culture of probity in governance.

Q2. What is red-tapism? Why is it considered a hurdle in the process of transitioning towards citizen centric governance? (150 words)


  • General Naravane has said that red-tapism has made the defence acquisition process a vicious cycle.

Main Body:

  • Red Tapism
    • It is defined as “rules, regulations and procedures that entail a compliance burden without advancing the legitimate purposes they were intended to serve.”
    • It is basically excessive norms and regulations that end up creating redundancy and thwarting progress in the day-to-day functioning of administration thus impeding overall governance.
    • Bureaucracies around the world are expected to adhere to rules and procedures, which are important for good governance. 
      • But, citizens today expect more transparent, accessible, and responsive services from the public sector 
      • The rules and procedures are cumbersome at times and do not serve their purpose.
  • Red Tapism: Hurdle in the process of transitioning towards citizen centric governance
    • Tedious service delivery: The employees also become exhausted of the procedures making them indifferent to the outputs and outcomes. 
      • This decreases their commitment to work, thereby lowering the service delivery quality. 
      • This also repels talent to enter in the organization resulting in inadequate human resource capacity. 
    • Low citizen satisfaction: A recent survey conducted by McKinsey found that citizens feel frustrated by cumbersome or confusing websites.
      • This results in increased costs and citizen’s dissatisfaction. 
      • Vulnerable citizens like the elderly, differently abled, single women have to undergo unnecessary procedures to get things done.
    • Encourages fraudulent and corrupt practices: It leads people to indulge in bribe giving to get their issues resolved at higher priority. 
      • This feeds into a cycle of greed and lethargic attitude on the part of employees to get their official duty/duties done. 
    • Discourages innovation and initiative: It involves mechanical adherence to rigid rules and paperwork, thereby discouraging creativity.
      • Breeding resistance to change in employees in the longer term.

All these have a negative impact on the overall governance performance and goes against the principles of citizen centric governance, that is, responsive, transparent and accountable institutions; efficient service delivery; effective work procedures etc.


  • There is a need to undertake measures, which make the interface of a common citizen with government an easy and speedy affair; which puts citizen’s interests above institutional interests and transforms the processes in a way to empower citizens and not subdue them.
  • Online passport sewa kendra, online grievance redressal mechanisms, Delhi government’s door step service delivery, online banking and services for senior citizens etc. show how unnecessary paperwork can be minimised while also trusting the citizenry.

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