By Jan 15
Close your optional and GS Mains prep and start shifting your focus to Prelims.
Jan 15 to Feb 28
First reading of all core subjects from standard books (History, Geography, Economy, Polity, Environment, Science & Tech - Booklist given in the end). Also attempt around 8-10 prelims mocks
March 1 to March 30
1st revision of core subjects + start revising current affairs from May 2022 onwards + attempt another 8-10 mocks (preferably FLTs) April 1 to April 25 - Second revision of core subjects + revision of current affairs (finish current affairs by April end)
Also give 8-10 mock with their analysis. If your CSAT is weak, devote dedicated time for CSAT in this time
April 25 to May 15
Third revision of core subjects + revise most important current affairs issues (you should identify these topics in first 2 revisions of current). Here again give 8-10 full lenght mocks (of different coachings)
May 15 to May 26
Revise high value topics (identified during previous revisions of core + current) Avoid giving any new mock tests in last 15 days. You can revise your learnings from test series.
May 27
Relax, make yourself comfortable, keep calm. Don't let pressure impact your temperament. Eat well, drink a lot of water. Try to sleep early.
May 28
Give exam with relaxed mindset. Don't panick if you find some questions very difficult.
Standard books
- Modern Indian History - A Brief History of Modern India (2019-2020 Edition) by Spectrum Books
- Ancient and Medieval History - Tamilnadu board 11th textbook
- Art and Culture - Fine arts NCERT and Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania (Selective)
- Geography - 11th and 12th NCERTs
- Polity - Indian Polity By Laxmikanth
- Economy - Sriram IAS publication Economy notes
- Environment - Environment by Shankar
- Science and Tech - Newspaper + Current affairs magazine
We are starting our Prelims 360 course on 16th Jan
It includes:
- GS 360 - Complete coverage cum revision of GS Prelims subjects
- CSAT 360 - Complete coverage cum revision of CSAT for Prelims
- Prelims Test Series - GS (16 tests ) + CSAT (5 tests)
- Current affairs coverage through weekly sessions
- One to one mentorship
- Weekly doubts day access!
- Daily Practice Questions (DPQs) based on the lecture taught.
Check out the course

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