Jun 20
Critical Minerals
Jun 20
Bilateral Partnerships for Critical Mineral
Jun 20
Hindu Kush Himalayas and Snow Persistence
Jun 19
Superhydrophobic Activated Carbon Catalyst
Jun 19
What is the Kavach System?
Jun 18
Menstrual Leave - Karnataka
Jun 18
E-Flow Ecological Monitoring System for Ganga
Jun 15
PM-SHRI Scheme
Jun 14
Need for Dedicated Ministers for Science and Technology
Jun 14
POCSO Act, 2012
Jun 12
UN declares 2025 the "Year of Quantum Science"
Jun 12
New Method to Remove Heavy Metals from Groundwater
Jun 12
Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
Jun 10
India's Neighbourhood First Policy
Jun 08
How are Non-Permanent Members of the UNSC elected?
Jun 08
Previse 2024: Technology Concepts in News
Jun 07
What constitutes Bhil Pradesh?
Jun 07
What is Nata Pratha?
Jun 07
Previse 2024: Policies and Doctrines: British India
Jun 07
What is the Five Eyes Alliance?